XT at Cycle Bar in Dunwoody
Continuing to get more and more legit at this. ;) All stats better the third time!
13 / 33
82 / 143
127 / 302
Lavender towels on our heads .. that's how we roll. :)
In the afternoon, the gang met up for some other-than-running fun. Yup, we do that too, some times. Gotta keep it happy! Unfortunately, I didn't get Kyle drunk; a must if I were really wanting to safe guard my top 5K PR standing tomorrow. Haha.
In the afternoon, the gang met up for some other-than-running fun. Yup, we do that too, some times. Gotta keep it happy! Unfortunately, I didn't get Kyle drunk; a must if I were really wanting to safe guard my top 5K PR standing tomorrow. Haha.
Memorial Day Freedom Run - Cumming, GA
Distance: 6.22 and 8 miles
50% goal - sub PR - Hit
Oh. Em. Gee. I bet no one else knows that there is a dessert-like mountain-ish gateway to the pits of Hell in Cumming, GA! Lol. So much for hokey little small race in the middle of nowhere that will land us some prime running. The scale on our ad hoc elevation for this one was WAY OFF. BY FAR, some of the hilliest running I've **ever** raced. It reminded me of Martin's Landing near Riverside. Slapped on top of that: NO sun protection what-so-ever in about 85+ degree sun-blaring conditions. I did not even come close to the 10% goal, but 2 miles in, I was uncertain about the 90% goal, so to have taken a PR (50% goal) was a definite win! Two things kept me going: 1. Michele and her friend, Tom, were a stone's throw up front the entire time, and 2. at a small race like this, even if you are sucking, maybe everyone else in your age group is sucking a little harder? Too early, that 9:08 average pace said good bye. It was hard not to just ditch it and walk up the never-ending mountains after that. But I kept watching Michele and Tom, and kept thinking that, if nothing else, steady-pacing it out was a great accomplishment and good training. I was rewarded for the effort when .. BOOM!: 3rd in Age Group! :)
My only regret: I waited too long to try and catch Tom and Michele. I had it at the end, but didn't have enough course left. Plus, rotten Kyle tipped them off with a "she's coming" in the finish shoot. Bahaha. I ended up 58:20 , she at 58:14. A 3-way tie would have been ideal. Not important for anything goal-wise (Kyle has the 10K top PR from a month or two ago, and ran the 5K this race), but still, I could have, so I wish I would have. ... of course, if I had sooner, she might have bested 58:14, so um .. woulda, shoulda. ;) It was the only minute or so in the whole morning where I had gas in the tank to spend actually racing.
Immediately following the race and awards, we hopped in the cars, and hit Fowler for the remaining 8 miles on the calendar. The going was GRUELING! By the time we got done, it was NOON, and like 90 degrees. I had trouble with an 11 minute pace! I kept making deals with myself: get to mile 4 (aka mile 10), and then run walk 3-1s from there back if you need to. Then at 10 miles, I told myself: if you were down at Riverside with Harley, or TJ, or Angelina, you would not walk, and you'd be pushing 10-10:30s. Don't walk. Only later did Harley comment: "I did 14 too. Lots of walk breaks because of heat and hills. Need to keep up with you !"
<3 my tribe. :) So nice to know I am not the only mortal one. Anyone who thinks that running is a solo sport is clearly doing it wrong in my opinion. Hopefully this run will be a one-off, and not indicative of the entire marathon training cycle. Fingers crossed! Must find cooler temperatures, even if it means .. eeep .. headlamps. ;)
Distance: REST
I am enjoying the blogging. Each year, I am going to try to keep picking a different challenge. Last year, it was 100 selfies, this year, its keeping this blog, next year, maybe something else. It helps me not inundate social media with run posts, and to chronicle a fun time in my life. Pretty sure I am the only one who really reads these so far, but that's just as well. I like being inside my head. If I ever goal viral, I'd have to sensor myself, lol.
Distance: 1 mi WU, 6 x 800, .5 CD, plus 6 laps
Indicator time suggests about a 4:06 for these. We were headed down to Riverside, but ended up rained out. Option #2 was back up to LA Fitness for some treadmill intervals. Michele doesn't run on a treadmill at all. So it took us time to get used to the mechanics. (For example, that the speed won't immediately kick up to 7.4, even when you are ready to start there). The 1st one was at 4:15, second at 4:08, and from there all but the last were between 4:02 and 4:04. The last one was 3:50. If I use my 5K PR rather than my indicator
time, these should be at 4 on the dot, so by any account, we put in good effort! :)
Since we were at LA F., might as well hit the pool, too. I could have gone on, but I do these much slower than M, and she skipped her cool down mile (not important if swim cools you down; important if you don't count swim as miles), so I was already ten minutes behind. By the time I hit 6, she was at 12 and ready to hot tub. Who can argue with hot tub?? :)
Distance: XT
Best intentions. :/ This whole summer thing is really going to bust my bubble. Oldest needed the car to take to work. Luckily, I can just ride in with hubby. But that means nothing on the stop-at-LAF front before/after work front. I contemplated a quickie 5K after Ashley got out of work, but honest engine, I was beat. And sore. I started this 30-day core challenge. I am always surprised when something basic like that tires out my legs. But apparently there are still muscles in there that squats will get, but running 14 miles won't. So I gave myself a pass. On the one hand, I feel justified, since that is the 'plan.' Up the long run, but don't completely start a 7 day marathon training program until after Peachtree. On the other hand, that scares me a bit. What if I can't get out of that mindset when the time comes? What if I keep blowing off mid-week work outs? Meh. :/

Distance: 3.1 + 7.5 + 4
This one was better, but not perfect. The heat, and stops and starts are really draining. That said, we hit 14.5! Getting half of the extra distance in before training was very helpful, weather wise. Not worrying about pace at all yet is really helping, too. I have to thank the participants for that. Blaming them makes it easier on the ego. ;)
Total - 34.1
Indicator time suggests about a 4:06 for these. We were headed down to Riverside, but ended up rained out. Option #2 was back up to LA Fitness for some treadmill intervals. Michele doesn't run on a treadmill at all. So it took us time to get used to the mechanics. (For example, that the speed won't immediately kick up to 7.4, even when you are ready to start there). The 1st one was at 4:15, second at 4:08, and from there all but the last were between 4:02 and 4:04. The last one was 3:50. If I use my 5K PR rather than my indicator
time, these should be at 4 on the dot, so by any account, we put in good effort! :)
Since we were at LA F., might as well hit the pool, too. I could have gone on, but I do these much slower than M, and she skipped her cool down mile (not important if swim cools you down; important if you don't count swim as miles), so I was already ten minutes behind. By the time I hit 6, she was at 12 and ready to hot tub. Who can argue with hot tub?? :)
Distance: XT
Best intentions. :/ This whole summer thing is really going to bust my bubble. Oldest needed the car to take to work. Luckily, I can just ride in with hubby. But that means nothing on the stop-at-LAF front before/after work front. I contemplated a quickie 5K after Ashley got out of work, but honest engine, I was beat. And sore. I started this 30-day core challenge. I am always surprised when something basic like that tires out my legs. But apparently there are still muscles in there that squats will get, but running 14 miles won't. So I gave myself a pass. On the one hand, I feel justified, since that is the 'plan.' Up the long run, but don't completely start a 7 day marathon training program until after Peachtree. On the other hand, that scares me a bit. What if I can't get out of that mindset when the time comes? What if I keep blowing off mid-week work outs? Meh. :/

Distance: 3.1 + 7.5 + 4
This one was better, but not perfect. The heat, and stops and starts are really draining. That said, we hit 14.5! Getting half of the extra distance in before training was very helpful, weather wise. Not worrying about pace at all yet is really helping, too. I have to thank the participants for that. Blaming them makes it easier on the ego. ;)
Total - 34.1
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