Distance - ZIP
Oh womp, womp. So much womp womp!

I woke up at literally 6:28. For a 7am race. My stomach jumped into my mouth. :(
If I had woken up 15 minutes earlier, I might have had a chance. If I had woken up 15 minutes later, I would have known for sure there was NO chance. At 6:28, I forced myself to swoosh toothpaste, jump into all the gear, and haul ass out the door. (Luckily, I had prepped everything the night before). Maps said I would get there at 7:02. Possibilities: Last wave? Race is running late? Might as well check. Serious cons: no breakfast, no coffee, no stretching, no warm up, and if in the last wave, absolutely NO external motivators. But on those, I figured if I got to race, I'd at the very least get in the distance at tempo. It wasn't meant to be, though. I got to Riverside, and JUST as I pull up to the intersection for the Chattahoochee Nature Center, the cone van is the VERY car right in front of me. He stops, lays out a line of cones that essentially makes me the FIRST car diverted left. That was when I gave up. The race had either started or was about to start, and there was no way to get close enough to CNC to park. Walking/jogging would take too long.
To add insult to injury, the morning was PERFECT. Cool and overcast. I can so easily see that 9:08 pace on my watch, me dancing around in excitement .. and then WOOOSH, not happening. Sucked.
On my drive home, I was certain hubby had been an asshat, and turned off my alarm, because I was "ignoring" it, or something. Dude, I had even gotten up at 4 AM, checked the time, and thought to myself: I feel well rested now, but .. lets not push it. So what happened??? After frantic drive, I looked again, and even though I *had* set the 5am alarm, I had also set it to vibrate only. Hubby gets to live another day. It was all my fault. (Insert aforementioned womp womping).
Did Not Start (DNS) number #2, in the books!
There won't be another good moment to tackle this particular goal .. the 9:08 pace for sure slips from 50%ish goal to 5-10% goal at Peachtree, given the crowds, heat, and hills. If I miss it for the 4th, many of the other 10Ks in late summer / early Fall will be tempting, but there will be a bigger price to pay on the marathon front to add in ANOTHER race that I want to take seriously .. tapering, running shorter distance, etc. There are two possibilities of near-guaranteed success: Sizzler (current PR), and some Lighting race. I guess we'll see how tempted I get, and whether or not training continues as well as its been so far. Maybe, if I continue to be as solid and ahead of schedule, we go for one of these. Or .. I guess we start taking Peachtree seriously?? (Naaaaaaahhhhh).
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