Distance: 16

Can't say enough great things about this run! The first 2.5 miles of the Peachtree course are great for warming up zippy, and surrounded by friends, even better! Mentally, it helped to have three single-digit legs to this run: 6.2 to run the course, out and back on the beltline, and then 6.2 reversing the course. Sounds so much better than 16. :) The real fun began at about mile 13. The reverse of Peachtree means some TOUGH hills at the end. Of those that remained, I think I was the only one who refused to walk. Harley told me I took the hills like a champ, and that he was pretty impressed. I was like d'awwww, thanks! Then, at 15.5, he edged in front again, and took off. Of course, that meant GO TIME. We kicked it out for a 9:24 mile 16! BOOM!.
If I take this pace out to marathon distance, that's 4:40:59, and a nice comfy 4 minutes under what is more and more often coming to mind as a goal for Chicago, 4:45. Pros going for me: MUCH hillier course today, MUCH hotter run than I assume Chi in October would be, MUCH less adrenaline on a training run than on race day, and 3.5 more months of training, with hopefully, at least -5 lbs of body. Cons: 10 more miles of holding said pace. So .. back to: I don't know, duh, because its my first.
Yes, that was still the Tom Tom pictured up above. I am REALLY slow when it comes to swapping out gear. Like 8 months slow! I took both watches out (new toy is one of THREE gadgets on arm, if you double check that picture), but pause/starting, etc, on both for 16 miles proved .. um .. inefficient. (plus, I didn't really know how, so my first workout was over 20 hours long; eventually, I taught my self how to trash the record and turn off the watch. Progress.)
So far, on the Forerunner 630, I've: really liked the light, comfortable feel of the watch. Its, well, a real watch. Compared to the Tom Tom, feel-wise, its like: dad's watch vs. the Fisher Price plastic watch you might get for a two year old to pretend they have a watch like dad's watch. :) So that's one perk. Con: I still wonder if I shouldn't have bought something that could at least count swim laps ... BUT .. I still lean toward it being mass overkill right now. Doggy paddling does not require a watch. Next upgrade.
Other con: I still wonder if I shouldn't have picked up the version of this watch that includes a wrist HRM. This one only gives those metrics with the purchase of a chest belt; another $100 bucks. I don't train heavily with HR; my Tom Tom only seemed to display it when it felt like it. (For realz! .. ooooor .. maybe there's a setting I never figured out. ;) ). The bottom line decision on this, though, was: 1. I don't ALWAYS need HRM, so even if uncomfortable, I can buy and wear the belt eventually, and then get the *real* stats every once in a while.
Here soon, I just need to spend an hour with the thing, and show it who's boss! Because the display is the most important thing to me, and I can't get that to work right yet.
Distance: 6.22
Pace: 9:57
Running with more people ROCKS! This run happened a bit by mistake / punishment. Lol. One, I think it was karma .. after missing a 7 am race start, someone needed to redeem herself with some 5am game! Two, this run really happened to me because I was being lazy, and fearing accountability! I knew I was feeling this way, so I tried REALLY hard to stay a "maybe"for any run the gang proposed. "I'll be a maybe, because .. maybe I'll run later at Fowler ... or earlier ... at 10KTuesday ... yea, 10KTuesday, that's it .. I'm a maybe for Publix, 5:45 PM (hilly heat-fest) because .. um .. Birgit is preggo now, so um, maybe I won't be too far behind that group again. Yea, yea .. that's what I am probably doing. If I don't go there, though, for sure I'm in .. like maybe for sure. Lol. Then .. foiled with Kyle's: oh, okay. I'll just do that, too, instead. MEEERGGHH! lol.
Running with the "fasts" is where its at, though! I can't always push myself to moderate effort, and the first half of this was for sure that. I realize that. But getting there more often is a perk of faster anchors within sight ahead. On the other hand, the second half felt REALLY comfortable, and I ran it ONB (10:04, 10:07, 9:48, 10:15, 9:53, 9:53, and .29 at 8:43). So possibly it just felt a little harder because I don't typically take the 'easy' first mile at 10:04. Anyhoo, loved it.
Distance: 1 WU, 4 x mile repeats / 400 m recovery, 1 mi CD
Pace: 10:51 WU, then: 8:33, 9:09, 10:36, 9:08
"Did I win the picture?" Michele and I literally battle it out until the click, hence why we're both almost falling over! Creeping to out inch each other. bahaha.
This felt like the impossible work out from HELL. I guess after having two awesome, happy runs so far this week, the next work out would have to take one for the team.
I ran with the new watch, and that was a DISASTER! I couldn't find anything. Did I try to take that first mile out at 30s+ too fast? .. NOOOO. But I couldn't find a display with pace and avg pace. I like seeing both. At the finish line of mile two at goalish pace, I could feel the 91 degrees zapping me completely. In fact, after the finish line, I was sure I was going to hurl. No puking, but I took a SLOW recovery, and then decided the 3rd interval was going to be more recovery. Luckily, for interval 4, I had the recovery, some bought us gator-aide, the evening got a couple of degrees cooler as the sun finally began setting, and then, too, knowing it was the last one. Perked back up with another interval at pace for Peachtree goal.
If I had to hang my hat on this speedwork, I'd say 9:08 for 6.2 is still out of reach.
About 6 laps
Bill, Ash and I went swimming at the HOA pool in the evening after work. Too many kiddies, but he watched me do some laps, and actually gave me a few tips that helped a good bit. Primarily: you can actually hold your breath for a lot longer than you are. Try going every other stroke; see how you like that. And, woo .. that made me faster without making me any more uncomfortable or winded.
The not so good thing .. he also was quizzing / warning me about Charlie horses and cramps and whatnot. And I am all like: Of course, I know how to tread water, and yes I can dead man's float just in case ... but we're doing a triathlon, dude. I don't need to practice floating. I've been swimming once a week for a few months now, and have never had a ... AAOOOOOOOOOOUUUUU, what the fuck was thaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA OOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUU. OOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. Karma = bitch.
Distance - 4 miles
More running with fast people. :) I needed 4-5 miles, and people were meeting at Riverside this AM to run 4-6 miles. Seemed legit. Well, except which people. But whatever, right? lol. Turned out to be a great decision. Here's my 4 miler from Resolution Run in January:
LOL! Raced it. :) For sure not easy / conversational. All Michele and I had to give each other were the sound of the other's foot falls, and maybe some short jokey quips here and there. On the other hand, for sure not the hard race effort I remember 37:49 being in January. Reserve gas still in tank, ready for hopefully, a new 10K race pace. ;) Yippy!
Distance: 8.8

Aww, the last group run for this team! Peachtree training is finished, and I think my pod is ready! Can't wait to see them all accomplish this goal. :)
Total: 40!
I think this might be my first 40 mile week! (I've never kept track by week before beginning Chi Marathon training officially, but if I had to guess, I'd say this was a first)
Coming up

10% - 9:08 avg pace
50% - PR - under 58:42
90% - PTRR PR - under 1:03
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