Avg Pace

This run was soooOOOOoooo much better than 14 and 14.5. If marathon day turns out like this run, I will be a seriously happy camper. Prep for it on Saturday night may not have been ideal ...
But after just a wee smidge of alcohol, some pretend poker (at which I kicked BUTT!), and then a catch-up episode of Outlander, I managed to put myself to bed at a respectable 11pm. Unfortunately, we were running at 6am. That turned out to be worth the loss of sleep. No 90 degree slog fest. The 10:30 pace came easy until about mile 12. After that, it was a bit harder to keep under 11. But I wasn't even close to needing to run/walk. I did run alone for most of it; Ms. Michele was feeling her zippy self, and ran up ahead most of the time, and Kyle was finally feeling the effects of two back to back PR weekends, so he ran somewhere behind me a good bulk of the miles. I was prepared for alone, and opted for some music on this run. That was a good fall back. When even that got boring, I dug back to the parent road trip bag of tricks, and finished out the last 6 miles playing the Alphabet game! Haha. There are not many signs at the Greenway in Fowler park, but at the slower long-run pace I was moving, between those and t-shirts of passer-bys, it worked. Add that to the list of things you can think about to distract yourself while on a long run! lol.
Heart stitch repeated itself at 14.5 mile mark. Luckily, there was a quick trail closing that required a pause right then. (The closing was 3ft long, just where they were changing out some wood planks, but crossing it was the only way to get to the main trail, and/or back to the car). Getting around the tape, and over the planks was enough recovery. Its a bummer that it happened again, though. Much later in the run, but if it becomes more than the 'pain of the week,' I'm guessing I'll soon be on route to one of those monitoring sessions that ultimately leads to: we don't see anything wrong, but be careful and come back to us if it gets worse.
If by any chance, we kept these paces up as we train, I am eyeballing a 4:45 marathon finish time goal, and Michele can probably shoot to break the 4:30 mark. WAAAAYYY too early to say either of those are goals, and just finishing WILL 100% be the 'make us happy no matter what' goal. But a decent time wouldn't be turned away. :) :) :) The median time for females who run a marathon is 4:45. Must. Be. Average! Lol.
Sweaty sleepy Judy. But very happy campers!
Pacing conservative "easy" like a pro!
What my Sunday night looked like! Time asleep: 11 hours!!! Haha. I didn't feel sore, and was on my feet a good bit after the run, so all in all, I felt like I took this one like a pro, and not like someone doing this mileage for the first time. BUT .. the sleep chart at the end of the day might say otherwise. I know some of that was Game of Thrones watching, not sleeping, but still! Knocked da f'k out, indeed.
Took a walk at lunch, and sat on the couch all night with the Billster. Fun.
On the running front for today, though, I did add a toy to my collection, which is for sure news worthy! The insurance program at work has a Wellness Incentive. The more points you accumulate, the more you can spend at their health-themed "mall." This bad boy retails for over $420. But I got it FOR FREE, having accumulated some serious points using my Fitbit and ... entering. all. the. races. Can't wait until it ships, so I can start playing with all the new functionality. A little nervous about jumping ship from TomTom interface to Garmin, but come on .. all the cool kids are doing it! (It = have Garmins).

Distance - 3.1
Pace - 9:52
She cheers. I follow. Time to learn to fit running around taxi-momming. Emily's practices right now include Tuesdays, 7-9. Fortunately, that's a perfect block of time for a run, and Fowler park is close by. Unfortunately, last time I tried this, I left Emily at the gym, and then SAT. I SAT for 1.5 HOURS in my car. AT FOWLER parking lot. In run clothes. Texting and Facebooking in my air conditioned car.

God bless the K-man! He came up to do Fowler with me this time, and that was great. Short, sweet, and done. I can't believe I once thought fitting in a 3 mile run was too much effort. I guess its all relative. ;) Now it feels like a present.
Nothing remarkable about the running. Rain showers helped cool temperatures a bit. I didn't want to kill myself. Keeping it light this week so that I can run my best Possum Trot possible. At the end, I did kick it up a notch. The final mile was for sure 9:08, and the final .1/2 mile was probably under 8.
Distance: 1 mi WU, 4-5 x 1200, 1 mi CD
Did: NADA! :( Mama had a just don't wanna work out in the sun day. Some of that was justified in the brain with thoughts of the possum run, but really, it would have served me just fine to push a few intervals THREE days before a 10k. Bad Judy.
Distance: 3.1 + 300 meters (6 laps)
Time: 28:15
Another evening run with 50/50 chance of happening. But just as I was debating whether to go to dinner, and just screw it, I tossed out to Ash an improbable suggestion: hey, want to go to LA Fitness first. I'll get in a 5K, some swim, and then we grab dinner? And she said YES. Woo. :)
The time on this for a random, tired evening on the mill is a good confidence boost. A little push, but for sure not PR push hard effort anymore. Woo! Now .. I just double it on Saturday, and .. oof. Lol.
Just a walk with doggies to get in my 10K:
See race report tomorrow! :)
Total: 27.4
Coming Up
This week, we're just about 1/2 way into the year, so I thought it'd be good to review the 2016 goals:
2016 Running Goals:
Run 1000 miles - At just shy of 600 miles, I am CRUSHING this goal. So far, so good!
Run a sub-8 1 mile - CHECK!
Run a sub-26:30 minute 5k - CHECK!
PR at PTRR (Current - 1:03)
Run a sub-2:14 half marathon - CHECK! (stretch goal: run a 2 hour 1/2) - I'll attempt after Chi
Lose 10 lbs - 7 down!
Up hair game! :) - boxer braids and piggy buns .. nuff said!
Not run a full marathon this year. - We all read between the lines when this goal was set, right?? ;)
Given how well these are moving along, I've already got a couple of thoughts for 2017: the year of .. wait for it .. over-the-top costumes? haha.
For the 'goals that scare you,' we'll also have: get ripped. And by ripped I mean as toned as my non-leg parts can possibly get. This is really scary. My body doesn't do ripped. Its soft and curvy, and so far .. only the running sticks. Anything else I try quickly jumps off the deep end and into a black hole of nothingness. I can commit to running 14 miles, and done. I commit to doing Jillian DVD every Monday .. and I just end up rolling around on the floor for 5 minutes, and then watching her while laying on the mat for 25 more. (I don't go grab popcorn, but you can just picture that its a short hop skip and jump to that image from what I actually end up doing!)
To get serious about this will mean maybe forgoing a 2017 marathon, and REALLY committing to something structured for toning .. be that a trainer at LA F with regular appointments, or Orange Theory, etc. Acknowledging that I need help, and structure, and accountability. Plus, making it a priority, time wise.
I really need these things NOW, but with marathon training for the first time EVER, I am wading into that water slllooooooowlly. The time commitment priority has to be the running right now. The swimming may help a little, and here and there, I hope I keep getting talked into things that will pull me in this direction in 2016. Heck, if I don't have to set the goal in 2017, great. But if by December, rippedness hasn't shown up at my door by accident like a lost puppy, (lol) then Jan 2017, I will GO GET IT! *^_^*
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