Distance: 13.1
Pace: 10:10
Great run!
I am enjoying Sunday mornings at Riverside in Roswell sooOOOOOoooo much. It's beautiful, its chock full of familiar faces, and varying paces. Bummer ATC no longer runs out of this location. Happy its back on my schedule of run commitments, at least.
This run felt a bit harder than last week's. Saturday was another night where sleep was messed with. (Two nights in a row for those of ya keeping track). Surprising enough, though, I was 110% sure I was going to REALLY TANK this one.. and by tank I mean 13+ if I could even maintain that (not to be pacist .. that's just my particular definition of tank right for me right this second). Anyhoo .. I was surprised to find that I think we were a little more eager in the earlier miles than I should have been! Right at under 10 all the way to the bathrooms at the 1/2 way point. It wasn't until about mile 12ish that it all caught up to me, and come 13, I for sure did not have the Judy express kick in the reserve tank that I pulled out last Sunday. As soon as 'beating last week's pace' went out the window, slugging it out to the moment I could stop was the only motivator! But sheesh, so okay with that. 10:10 on 13.1 for a training run .. yes, please!
The only problem .. by October, this would be the HALF WAY POINT. Seriously unable to even imagine. *commence panic mode again* :)
The rest of Sunday was all about napping, pedicures / massage chairs, and prepping food and laundry for the week ahead.
Happy camper.
Let myself off the hook and got the sleep I was needing. No swim this AM .. maybe tonight, or Tuesday morning. 2 mile walk with Bill around the hilly neighborhood in the evening after dinner. Fitbit steps for the win!
AM workout
16 laps in the pool. Swim PR. Boom!
Plus .. someone asked me where I got my really cute all-white suit, and said it looked really good on my tanned skin. Compliment. About me. In a swim suit. Double boom!
Tonight is the 2nd All Comer Track & Field event associated with the Grand Prix, (a grouping of about 12 ATC races each year where participants earn points for both how well they do, and how many events they attend. So far, I am at 100% attendance, and with the 5th place AG placing at Singleton and 4th at the last All Comer, I even have a few extra points! I am 9th of 50 women 35-39. Never-the-less, I am feeling motivated, but calm. I don't have a goal time. If I place 5th or better, that would be awesome. But I am going to try and chill about that. The mile PR I took last time more than covers everything I could have ever hoped to get out of both these events!! :) Four of us are going to dress in similar shirts, and do another relay. Having fun with the squad there is #1 goal. (Lets see if I can manage to stay that way when/if they send out names / heat line ups. giggle).
PM workout
4 x 400 and 800 meters (3:36)
The pictures are going to have to speak for the night:
The pictures are going to have to speak for the night:
So much energy! :)
Team 'We've Got the Blues" :)
On that 4 x 400, by the time I got on the track, ALL of the other teams were FINISHED. I had to run one hard lap BY MY SELFIE! Guess that's just the attention seeker type of girl I am. LOL!

This little picture right here is me learning a valuable lesson. ;) (and possibly hooking me on another "thing" about running that is probably more important in short distance). For the Grand Prix, doesn't matter. In a large road race, doesn't matter. But on a track, lane by lane, it MATTERS who sprints to the finish line first, and who doesn't! That girl in the blue? If I had had ANY idea that she was there, fighting to catch me, .. oh boy, it'd have been on. But no, I had no clue .. so we ended up crossing like at the same moment, or maybe even with her in front by a nose. In the words of Peter Griffin: doesn't that just grind your gears??? lol. Self: welcome to track! Haha.
Barring that faux pas, extremely pleased with the time, and the night! 5th place in my AG! Party time. *^_^*

This might just be my favorite group of non-blood related people ever. <3
And then ... some how .. THIS happened!!! Holy f$$^&**&# s&^##(t!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3rd in Grand Prix standings for my age group. Someone get me an oxygen mask! I'm going to hyperventilate. Lol. I kid that this is just the standings for the best of the mediocre women of a certain age willing to attend many, many ATC events (and it is), but it still tickles me to all get out to be where I am!!!! *^_^*
Unfortunately, I took a peak at what passes for good at the next event (a 4 miler), and for 2015, that was: 29:36 for 5th place. Bahahahahahahaha. That's a 7:25 pace .. for 4 miles. So basically, I am going to throw a grand prix 3rd place standing celebration now, so that I can enjoy myself while I have it, and wave good bye to it shortly with dignity and grace!! haha. But for this month .. BOOM! :)
Woo! Finally, a speed work evening that did not send me home, tail tucked between legs, wondering if I shouldn't just quit now and take up salsa dancing or the clarinet or something.
Distance: 1 WU, 10-12 400m repeats, .5 CD
Goal: 2:02
Temperature: 345 degrees, I'm sure.
HIT! HIT 11 times!!! Hit by pacing myself and SLOWING myself DOWN a good bit of the first 6, to have just enough energy to finish ALL of them right under 2. Doing as I am told to a tee? How 'bout them apples?!! *^_^* Only the last one was balls-to-the-wall (and by 11th, balls to the wall ended up being 1:45).
Why did we do 11, you ask? Besides because we are rebels and Level 2.5 just what works for us? Lol. No. Well, I was counting .. but I was also counting my watch workouts. For each 200, I stopped and started again. (I am sure their are fancier ways to split 400s, but this works just fine for me).. EXCEPT that my watch can only show me the last 10 workouts, and I already have two "saved" slots for races I want to use as "race this" times. Sooooo ... when we hit 8, I thought we had done 8. When I thought we had done 9, I looked at watch (and counted like 30 times), and it said 8. Brain drained that I was, I said to M and Enrique, oh damn, I thought we were at 9, but sorry, we're at 8. So we did two more. And I look down .. and that's when it dawns on me .. because we are still at 8 laps. Ooooooops! Sorry, M!
Really wanted to make it to swim, but fell a bit short on time. Boo. Will try for tomorrow.
Feeling a little guilty that this week will fall very short of 30+, but also recognizing that the track meet took up a good bit of time, for very little mileage. (both in that I didn't want to wear the legs before, and in that the late night threw me off schedule, etc., for all of 1 mile). And that this Monday, I am caring at least a little bit about the Memorial day freedom 10k, so slight taper would be much better than either a Friday run, or tacking on miles Saturday. Especially with spin on Sunday .. that will be plenty of shake out.
Distance - 7 miles easy
I'll come back to update this one. :)
Memorial Day Freedom Run 10k, Cumming.
I really wish I had asked someone to pace me this coming Monday. I do so much better when I have that additional motivation. 9s for a 10k is in my wheelhouse; I know it. But it's just on the OUTSKIRTS of that "universe-of-possible." I'll really have to fight for anything under 58, I am sure. Just don't know if I have it in me without the 'elephant's feather.' Why don't I find a pacer, then? .. well, the logic on that is kinda like tidying for the cleaning lady. Lol. I don't want to let a pacer down. So I want to be REALLY comfortable that I can hit the goal I say I want. (yes, so that means that when I get to that point, why do I need the pacer?? silly logic. Judy logic. lol).
So its just M and I, running like the wind. (hopefully!) And here are the goals:
90% - Under 60
50% - PR of anything under 58:42
10% - 56:45 (Maintain 1:59:59 1/2 pace for 6.22 / 9:08 pace)
Also up coming: on Monday, after the race, we'll try to tack on enough mileage to total our first 14 miler. Sounds tiny compared to 26.2, but it officially puts us on the path to big distance! It won't be a continuous run; we'll have awards, and driving to a more familiar location. Not ideal for a first conquering of a distance mental game wise.. (does that really count as 14, etc) .. but .. good for easing in, and also offset by the fact that first 6.2 will be run at 10k race pace.
Total - 25.1