More rest
Happy to see that our singlet picture earned itself the honor of being 'Track Tee Tuesday.' The Atlanta Track Club posts one picture each week of someone wearing an ATC t-shirt somewhere interesting, and this week, we were it! Woo.
These "uniforms" really were fun. Atlanta Track Club was very well represented. :)
.5 WU, 4 x 1200, .5 CD
We got kicked off the track again. Bummer. Not that I wanted to do the entire work out. The plan was a 'shake out' run, since we haven't run since race day Sunday. The ideal is that you run a recovery week similar to tapering post-race. But very honestly, I'm not at all broken. So I was also planning to trial run a 200 on the track in prep for the All Comer's annual track and field event next Tuesday at Emory, and then maybe easy pace for the intervals and CD. I didn't get to do that, but never-the-less, I did a bit more than the tanked workout we intended.
Indicator goal if we were 'really' doing this: 6:22
Interval 1 - 7:02
Interval 2 - 9:42
Interval 3 - 7:22
Interval 4 - 6:30
That last one was to prove I could "really do this." It was about as hard as I expected it to be!
Next, my WingFoot (the Atlanta Track Club magazine) came tonight. And I guess I am having a Ms. Popular week, because not only were we Track Tee Tuesday, but I got my picture in Wingfoot!

Marathonfoto also had their action shots ready and waiting for me tonight .. the exhaustion that is me running 13.1 miles in ALL of its glory. Despite the pained expression, I absolutely adore these. 1. Fun hair game!! lol. and 2. I see myself as 'padded but no longer ultra lardy.' haha! Not the runner's body I am ultimately after, but I see TONS of progress over the body I had even a year ago. 3. The people around me get faster and faster looking every race. Proof that I am doing incredible things!!
Plus ...

If this is one of the actresses from Game of Thrones in a running picture, I have to say I think I'm in good company!!! ;)
More nada
Distance: 10 miles + 4 x hills
Pace: ~12:30 and 10:30
Beautiful day in Suwanee. Gosh, I really love this location.
It was a run of oddity. When I was running with the participants, I was GUNNING to GO! It was tough to make the pod the priority. But besides that itch to speed up, the morning couldn't have been more perfect. I ran 3-1s with a group of about 5-6 who all stayed together as a pod. We had time for a good bit of 'getting-to-know-you" And at least two who tackled 5 miles for the very first time! Awesome accomplishments!
Ran the hills all out. Brad pushed me a good bit. Zoom zoom!
The additional 5 miles after that were ROUGH (with Kyle and guest starring Michele .. who we had planned to meet at McFarland, but she finished Alpharetta way before we finished in Suwanee, so she just drove to us! Yea, my run partner is better than yours!! lol).
Rough for exactly the OPPOSITE reason of first 5 miles. After 3-1s, 10:30 with no walk interval felt HARD. At mile 3 (aka 8), I just decided not to fight for the pace, and fall back a little to Kyle & Michele. As soon as I could just see them in front, but wasn't fighting to keep their negative splits, I was happy. The recovery time actually left me a great place to fight the last mile hard, and I came pretty close to catching back up all together.
When we got done, we took a walk around that Town Center. Farmer's market AND Woofpalooza. Woo!
Some of this ..
And a little of this ..

But no running.
I had a FABULOUS Mother's Day. Chicken soup for the run soul day. And then watching hubby do what he likes to do for fun is always a decent idea. ROCK ON!! ;)
Total (Sunday - Saturday) - 28.6
May will be light on racing from here on out. The half-marathon on the 1st is behind me, and now a 200 meter dash on Tuesday, 5/10, and an 800 m race Tuesday, 5/24. In June, just one 5K on the books for 6/11 (Braves Country). July Brings Peachtree 10k (7/4), and the official beginning of marathon training. Eeeep. August will bring two other 5Ks. And that's really it for right now. So these next few months, I will be training long distance, and racing short. In the Fall, training and racing for long.
The other thing that is patiently waiting for my attention is the August sprint TRI. I need to add a second (and some weeks first) swim day starting this week, and at least one bike day per week here as soon as possible.
Doing better on the diet front. Not perfect (see Mother's Day shared dessert, lol), but a good bit better than the binge-fest I had degraded to here of late. The looming marathon training has really re-enforced that the body I have on 10/09 will be the body that needs to come along for 26.2 miles of fun. Do I really want it to be ALL of the body I have today?? Eye on that prize is really helping me make better choices.
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