Distance: 5 miles, 4 x hills
Pace: 12:45
Peachtree In-training continues. This has been a bit interesting, in that I thought it would lean closer to half-training in terms of Run Leading, but has actually felt a bit closer to Women's 5K. This means that the Run Leads are needing to stay ever flexible about their pacing, because the participants just don't have the distance under their belts. I was originally tagged as an all-run 10s lead. But there just are not enough participants. The three who were tasked to 9s and up can easily handle the handful interested in any and all complete run. So I have fallen into place with a pod of 3-1 run/walkers who tackle most runs at ~12 - 12:45. (This is the top of that group; no faster run/walkers) The pluses of this out way the cons. The group is tight nit, looks for me, and we have established quite a bit of camaraderie. (We all know each other's names, and they're completely determined to stay together the entire morning. Its pretty awesome). Plus, the location is just breath-taking. Can't discount that.
The one squeak of flexibility I did kind of boggarted in return for seriously being so off pace was that I **ssssssshhhhhh** didn't wear my Mizunos. I love them, use them for most of my runs, and all of my races. But if I am going to be running 12s for such short distances, the way that I can justify that chunk of time is to throw on the Vibrams and get in those "getting to know you" runs they require. 5 miles at 12ish was just right. I adore how light and zippy they went along. More running Vibrams again, I think!
Distance: 12 miles
Pace: 10:08
This run was a serious confidence boost! I did not struggle with the pace TOO much. For almost all of the run, I was not huffing and puffing, but just pacing steady, able to chat a little, etc. The few times I started to drag, and fell maybe 10-25 meters behind, I just committed to do a 30 second stride. "If, after that, you can't hold their pace, fall back, but at least give it a shot." I'd catch back up, and feel zippier for the stronger effort. This happened maybe three times through the 12, and kept us all together until the very end. And at the very end, I had effort in the tank, so I kicked, and pushed M & K's pace up for about the last mile. Good go, J!
This sits nicely among recent times: right before Pig, we were doing these Sunday long runs at closer to 10:30. And if you think back to Thanksgiving 1/2, my RACE pace was 10:06. .. so BOOM!
And ...
50 minutes of spin!
We changed shirts, grabbed a bagel, and then .. to Dunwoody!
The Cycle Bar is A-mazing! 6 of our tribe-mates are fundraising for New York, and this was a first event for that. I'd only used an indoor bike once this year, in January, and before that, quite possibly never. No outdoor biking for years, either. So after 12 mi, I was pretty sure I'd look like this at the back of the class:

But .. music .. mood lighting .. a gun-ho instructor .. a leader board with names on it .. and odd/even bike contests. It was basically a 30 person fitness party! Yea, my butt will not like me tomorrow, but halfway in, brain said GO TIME. I gave it all I had, and probably sweat more in that 50 minutes than the ~2 hours I was out at Riverside.
The place was seriously posh, too. Cool lavender towels, post-session snacks, a meditation song at the end in a dark auditorium. They thought of everything! I will for sure try to fit in something like this again.

Plus ...
10 laps in the pool.
Crazy ideas just breed in my brain like magic. ;) We'd almost done a half-triathlon. Backwards. All we needed was the 3rd sport. Besides, after all that sweating, I could use some refreshing. Swimming was TOUGH. My legs were okay, but being tired made it hard to breath consistently. Never-the-less, that's the longest I've gone, with 10 25 m there's, and 10 25 m backs. The Jacuzzi time helped, too. :)
So marathon training week one of 22, done. Without counting this Sunday, mileage was 18.3. Next week, it will be back up over 30 or more until about October! (Eeep).
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