Monday, February 15, 2016

Weekend: I Hate Working Out, But I Hate Being Fat More

February 1/2 Way Mark Mile Total: 50.2
2016: 150.2

Distance: 11 miles
Avg Pace: 10:33

The Pink Ninja!

Shiver me timbers, Batman! Brrrr, running in February is for the birds!  Yes, I was born in New Jersey, but I was made with Cuban blood!  So no, I am not at all happy with sub-freezing runs. Of course, that said, I was particularly happy with Saturday's brrr-tastic long-run.  It started out in typical slug-tastic form, but hooking up with various pods along the way helped me get back in gear after warming up.  Especially finding Harley at about 5.5 miles in.  He really kept me pushing for a rock star finish.  Some days. you have runs you're happy you did simply for the mileage, but would otherwise rather forget as soon as they are over.  And then, every now and then, you run a workout, and finish feeling like you totally owned it.  This was one of those runs.

We hit a light at mile 9, and I forgot to pause.  Otherwise, everything after mile 4 was sub 10:30 for this 11 miler not-race.  Boo Yah!

After the long run, I vegged on the couch and watched the Olympic trials.  How exciting to have a few Atlanta Track Club elite members running.  And then Meb Keflezighi, another Atlanta favorite.  Absolutely inspirational!  I did decide that I might opt out myself from becoming and Olympian, just because 1. those bikini shorts would require many more bikini waxes than I am ever going to be in the mood for, and 2. I think it would be totally annoying to run behind a car going 10 miles per hour immediately in front of me.  Otherwise, I'd totally be training for my invitation. ;) 

And you thought I was kidding about being proud to own one of these yellow visors! ;)

Distance: 3.1 and ~3.1
Pace: 9:59 and hodge podge

I tried for a course run of the Mayor's 5K.  Great information.  Not so much a great run.  Legs said:  this weekend, you either get to finish an 11 mile long run at a 9ish pace at the end, or you get to run a trial run of your 5K .. NOT both!  No worries.  I got the miles in, and will hit the course harder next time.  12 days to race, but I did plenty of learning.  Like first off: it might be windy along this road.  It also isn't complete flat.  The fastest downhill is at the end, but it may or may not be too long for making it a full final kick.

After that run, I drove down to Women's 5K.  We were at Piedmont Park.  Things did not start off well: Suburbs OTP (outside the perimeter) housewife running around downtown Atlanta spells trouble.  I felt like a total ass for completely missing the work out meet up point, and not being able to help with course set up.  I walked that park for probably a good 30 minutes.  Luckily, just about as I was getting ready to kick rocks, burst into tears (being lost after a 3.1 mile run is a little harder than just being lost, because the walk you're on feels endless), and drive off, I started to see yellow visors.  And they weren't going to kick me out of the club for being an idiot.  Hurrah! 

Things got better after that.  I ran 2-1 intervals, and at first, felt every stiff step.  Luckily, the pod was happy with that pace, and we all warmed up quickly together.  They conquered hills together, and I could see a lot of pride at the finish from my sub-group.  I think on their faces I saw some of what I felt for Harley on Saturday, so that's how I know they had hit a champ-star workout for themselves, too! :) 

Look at me looking all little and shit!  Woo!!! 

And the reward for the weekend came in the form of a great weigh-in on Monday morning.  Only 0.3lbs more until the major milestone of a new tens digit! 

MFP made me take a comparison picture this morning.  The top I chose for work today doesn't do me a great deal of justice, but that's -65 ... and counting!  Woo.  Only 15 left until GOAL.  We'll decide if that is the END GOAL when we get there. ;)

Up Next
Kyle, Michele and I are going to tackle the course run together this afternoon.  It will be freezing cold, and maybe raining.  Having them there, though, will hopefully give me a similar push to the adrenaline of race day.  It will be a better comparison than yesterday.  That said, there hasn't been a rest day for the legs yet, so I will not completely wig out if between the wind and cold, and the tired legs, I still come up short.  

After the run, I pick up my stash of Good Measure Meals.  Excited to report in this week about that.

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