90% - Better than Hearts & Sole 28:34 (9:13 PACE) - CHECK
75% - Lead with a 27 digit (9:02 PACE) - CHECK
50% - PR - 27:46 (8:57 PACE) - CHECK
10% - 2015 Peachtree qualifying time for Wave D - 27:28 (8:52 PACE) - Next time! :)
Distance: 3.11
AvgPace: 8:54
PLUS ... A.G.E. G.R.O.U.P! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
"I hope there are days where you fall in love with being alive!" This is for sure one of those days!!!
I couldn't decide on one note to self, so I went with all of them! Desi, Shalane and Cragg were the top female finishers at the Olympic trials. I pretend MM, KK, and I are them (Kyle has to be a girl .. snicker). Emi & Ash (my daughters, and of course, my life. A t-rex for coach Jerry, Bianca's #sostrong hashtag, a cone (because inside joke: we have a lot of selfie fun with our cones! ) I <3 Brandi: the original mantra, a pig nose for the upcoming Flying Pig 1/2, a duck for new mantra, and WWAD (What Would Angelina Do) with a baby potato hidden under the thumb. It was for sure helpful to see this here and there. I love my tribe!
I ran my hear out, and paced very true to plan: 8:51, 9:05, 8:49, and 7:50 for the .11. PR time of 27:39! (gun) I'm BaaaaaAAAaaaack! :) One full minute off of stinky Hearts & Soles run.
It was odd to run such a small race; I think I recognized three people! I'd better get out more in my own neighborhood! Total participants for the race were ~500. After the run, I had to make myself a few friends, because I am not used to running a run and finishing without fan fair! In fact, if there are no Mimosas, its a little odd. So me and another potential age group recipient hung about and bonded over Peachtree corrals and upcoming races. The field had gotten faster than last year, she told me. But with a 27:37 (chip? small race noise .. whatever. their piece of paper said 27:37 gun, online said 27:39 gun, watch said 27:34), I was very hopeful. AND BOOM! Hardware, and a picture with the mayor. :) I'm so happy I scheduled the rematch!
Ooof video of finish line at ~10 min, 30 sec mark in video:
Some other photos I want to keep track of:
Distance: 3.6
Pace: all in all, about 14, including .5 WU & CD walks
Score! I talked french fry #2 into coming to Women's 5K training. Woop! And she shot it out of the park! That's my girl. :) I took out a group at 2-1 intervals, and she hung with us until after the first 1.5 and 4 hill repeats. The repeats, she took too fast, and combined with the heat, she was done(ish) after that. I think she said she went to the bathroom and then tried for a little more, and ultimately came back and waited for us to finish. I think I have talked her into coming again one or two more times before Spring Break in early April! Why its a runners goal to recruit more runners is beyond me, but it is for sure a thing! And having my baby girl running would be the BESTEST. :)
... how talking someone into running actually goes ...
Unfortunately, it is baby girl's schedule for later this year that is beginning to worry me. She is going to start back up with cheer. She has always done competitive (All Star) cheer leading. This past year was the first year she took time off from that; as a high school freshman, she wanted to try the school team. That is a shorter commitment; just through end of football season. When Allstar picks up the pace in the Fall, lordy, will I be a busy lady. But .. there is no option B. I love my little cheer bug. The cheer moms were the original tribe. My entire life used to be Book Club and Cheer Momming. (As I call it, I am a cheer-mom-lebrity). And if I think back, the VERY FIRST THING that I can honestly say made me take the weight loss plunge was wanting to be a better cheer mom. Lol. Those day long competitions used to! Walking ALL DAY LONG. Rushing from one end of World Congress Center, and back, running all over the Sports complex and Disney World's parks. On a daily basis I used to think: shoot, I need to train like she does just to spectate for this sport. Well, I am certainly there now. And you bet your bottom dollar I will do everything in my power short of cloning myself to continue with being both the best trainee and the best cheer mom I possibly can be.
The first sport I fell in love with (from the sidelines)
Bonus .. Monday
103 February miles. Woo. 204 2016 miles!
I felt like a rock star tonight. I love running with Michele. Its hard to start with her. She literally has no warm up. But once she passes me, I can 'mental lasso' myself to her, and she doesn't usually completely leave me in the dust. There's something not quite right about that .. you would think we could either stay together, or that she would continue to run at a pace faster than mine, and eventually I would lose her. But I think that because after I fall back, she ends up with no one to push with her, her pace falls back a bit too. Or by then, I warm up. So any way, good for me, not so great for her maybe. Unfortunately, the people I think she needs to run with meet VERY early in the AM, and I've come to find that MM is more of the night owl. :) She also will wait for me on the turn around, and then my return goal is always to stay with in sight of her butt. hehe. The McFarland route is super nice, too. Today it was a bit warm, but it cools off as you're coming back. Right now, we don't need head lamps, and of course, its very flat.
Up Next:
Gulp! The weekend will be a doozie! 13.1 mile course run for the Publix 1/2 marathon. Eeeeeeeep, its getting close! THEN, as if that wasn't enough fun, we all signed up for the Shamrock and Roll 10k on Sunday morning. PLUS 3.5 miles with the Women's trainees on Sunday afternoon. For those of you mathematically inclined, note that that's approaching marathon mileage. In two days, but still .. marathon mileage! Eeeeeeeeep!
Because of that, I am trying hard to keep myself from setting any goal for the Shamrock. We are going to dress as Hulks, and have fun! And the course will be hilly. But ... I'd rather sandbag the 13.1 course run, so that I can at least run sub-60, than kill myself on Saturday, and disappoint myself Sunday. So here are "light" "water-down" goals, where 50% will really be 75%, and 5% goal is really more like ... lmfao ..... :
90% - have a blast
50% - sub-60
25% - sub-59
10% - sub-58
5 % - sub-57