Distance: 3.1
Time: 28:34
Course: Fast & flat
About this run:
I went into this race with a very specific goal, and that probably was not a good idea. I wanted to repeat my PR, and by some accounts, should have been very able to: the course was fast & flat, the weather was chilly, (bad for leaving car, but great for running) and I have had several more months of training under my belt since I set the PR. But by others, not so much: I got hurt after that PR, the indicator run would have me running a 29+ 5K now, I haven't done much speed work recently, and even less short-5k-distance running. I single-mindedly focused on only one acceptable outcome, and what I walked away with was a serious toddler-style temper tantrum.

Hiding in the car with the rat pack. :)
There's no one thing that I can pinpoint that would have resulted in a different outcome, except maybe who I ran with. The most funny thing happened right at the beginning of the race. We were at the front of B. The A corral moved up, and we walked along right behind them, not noticing that the signs for B stayed put. Before we knew it, we were in the back of the A corral. People started commenting rather rudely that it looked like "some people" didn't belong in corral A. 1. rude .. since when does what someone look like determine where they should race, but 2. OH SHIT, we were in corral A, and really didn't belong there. I look behind me, and Brandi is standing at the front of B. EEeeeePPpp. I knew I didn't need to be running in front of where ever Brandi was starting, so in last minute decision, I fell back. But the pod stayed put. It was hilarious, and since the mistake was already made, they were going to make the best of it. We were all cracking up, but the people in front of B were not. And I felt self-conscious ... #fatgirlrunningproblem, so alas, no buds. That said, a lot of times I almost prefer not to be on top of the two people I run with most frequently, and Brandi and Susie and Jessica were in the pod at top of B, so it wasn't like I was alone. At the time, it didn't seem like a big deal choice at all. Not running with Michele might have contributed to the outcome, but its a long shot.
The other thing that tripped me up just a wee bit is bad math. In my mind, for some reason I came to have it set that if I did a 9:15 or less, I would hit my goal of under 27:47. (9:15 x 3 equals 27:45). And my time at the end .. exactly 9:14. But duh, how about the 0.1?? Forgot about that. Also not sure this can be considered 'the reason.' After all, one does not run by watch alone. If I had found myself a little bit of "beast mode," I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have listened to my watch to slow down.
So we have to move to mental reasons like: I sandbagged myself because, well, running at a hard effort is HARD ... and avoiding it seemed like a good idea at the time .. or ... I ran a good race for my general range, and should have been happy, but got into sour puss mode because I didn't do as well as my friends, lol. Or I paid for not (wo)manning up and getting my overdue Brazillian, which obviously make me faster. (bhahaha). or I have mono. Or I am pregnant and don't know it yet. The evaluative phase of post-race thoughts gets a bit less helpful after I hit about that point on the list, so I will not continue. ;)

Distance: 3.1 and 2.5
Avg Pace: 9:36 and 11:30
So after running through the stages of post race grief on Saturday, Sunday was about jumping back on the horse and getting myself back in happy running mode. I ran a 3.1 with Angelina eas (but really more like easy with a touch of something to prove) ...
We added a little kick at the end that I think I want to make happen more often. Running balls to the wall is fun! :) Next time, I just have to set my watch to distance (if distance is the measure for the kick) before I go bonkers! I couldn't figure out when I was done until I was told to stop. Lol. I probably could have held the pace a little longer.
Thank heaven for this bad ass chic, who helped close the door on the running blues this weekend! :)
In addition to the pre-run, I ended up with the full run group during W5K training, so I was able to clock another 2.5 at about 11:30.
Happy Running Judy again! #jazzhands with Deborah, Alice, and Lisa
The picture of the all-W5K group made me a little sad; roll city still in full effect, but then the jazz hands shot cheered me right back up again. I'm not done, but I see a lot of good work in this last picture! :)
Up Next
I decided I do not give a rat's patootie about Publix or the Flying Pig, time wise. 5Ks are where its at for Spring! So if a few Mondays go from 6 easy to 3.1 moderate/hard, with a 2.9 mile slosh jog at the end, so be it. I want that 5K PR, and I am now signed up for "The Redemption 5K" at end of month. All eyes on the prize, and I plan to run as many 5K workouts and speed work sessions as possible from here to there. On Sunday, I drove the course of this close-to-home 5K, and plan to make running that route my daily bitch. Haha. I also found myself a REAL TRACK! More speedwork!!! :)
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