1 WU
4 X 1,200 m with 400 jog, 1 CD
2 WU, 2 CD
4 X 1,200 m with 400 jog, 1 CD
2 WU, 2 CD
Did: 1 mile WU, 4 x 1200 with 400m recovery walk, .5 CD (walk)
As with last year, for the most part, I will run long at Level 3, and midweek at mainly level 2, until (if) I build up my base distance and speed.
Garmin (or I) dropped the ball on the last interval. It marked .86 rather than .75. Def my fastest split, recorded or un.
I did not want to do this work out. I HAD been wanting to run from the walk back to Marta on 7/4. (If I recall correctly, I did do a little tipsy running up one hill. bahaha), right up until about 4 pm 7/5. As soon as I got home, I had children to shuttle, late lunches to eat, and my quads/calves were talking to me from PTRR. So basically, as soon as I could run today, I didn't want to.
But ...
I have now made one too many friends who will ask me if I've run today. lol.
There aren't many things these days that I can control. Whether I show up and do a work out IS up to me, though.
I am so glad I dragged myself out there .. at EIGHT PM. Accidental night speed work at Fowler track is THE. ISH. Just me, in my head, running in circles. The night starting to cool things down... loud music .. the flat track perfect for pushing the envelope a bit. Felt damn badass. I think some night running is going to have to be incorporated into the weekly schedule.
Have I had the thought that if I hit sub 9:10 avg pace for all four intervals, after a 1 mi WU at sub 9:30, that maybe I could have left more on the Peachtree course, like for real? .. yes, yes I have. LOL.
Scheduled: Rest or XT
Some of me wanted to swim. Thursday is XT swim. Where are all my friends that like to swim Thursday night?? ..
Some of me wanted to swim. Thursday is XT swim. Where are all my friends that like to swim Thursday night?? ..
Crickets. I tried to motivate to just go do it anyway solo, like last week. But most of me said rested. So I rested. Which was well deserved, and much needed.
30 minute XT
5 miles easy
Did: 4 miles, pace unknown, but faster than easy.
I forgot my watch. I forgot to put my hair up. I forgot to glide. But I woke up, and I ran. Friyay!
I probably did not stay easy enough. The pace was for sure a little push. Hard to stay easy with this zippy group, at flat, cool Riverside. I heard my legs talking before my cardio even made a peep, though, so I know that I am feeling the extra miles now that I am actually doing them all. Something tells me I am going to be crying by the end of my long run tomorrow!
30 minute XT
5 miles easy
Did: 4 miles, pace unknown, but faster than easy.
I forgot my watch. I forgot to put my hair up. I forgot to glide. But I woke up, and I ran. Friyay!
I probably did not stay easy enough. The pace was for sure a little push. Hard to stay easy with this zippy group, at flat, cool Riverside. I heard my legs talking before my cardio even made a peep, though, so I know that I am feeling the extra miles now that I am actually doing them all. Something tells me I am going to be crying by the end of my long run tomorrow!
Our Friday Riverside group keeps getting bigger and bigger. <3 accountability buds!!
13 miles
Did: thirteen friggin point f'in one miles.
Pace: hot mess
Fall kick off! Oh boy. Two years in a row, one of my toughest runs of the season. Those Brookhaven hills Enrique loves are brutal. And since its always in my brain that it's "only four miles to start" with the official group run, I always overdo. Last year, "fast" was 9:15-9:30ish. This year, that was NOT the pace, but it was still too fast for the long run I am capable of.
Luckily, I had friends to run with. That made the rest of this hillacious and hot ugh of a run almost tolerable.
Unfortunately, the heat and the hills just ate me all up. I held it together for the first 4 miles. The break in between that and the next 2.5 helped a lot. After the 10K mark, though, I was out of hydration and out of spirit. (Note to self: remember breakfast, dork). Having M & D out in front & K to run with was a god-sent. I probably would have called it way earlier otherwise. Run/walk jumped in to save the day, too. I rallied with the insert of breaks, and finished 10.5 ugly ass miles.
But wait .. there's more. I knew I had not one step left out on Peachtree, but after I got in the car.. and A/C, I figured it'd be a waste to call it without the full 13.1 under belt. After all, its not like I ended up doing much more than junk miles. If/until you can't put in solid runs, more junk miles!! So I popped into LA F and belted out 3. Flat and in AC, a very tired Wonder Woman (but WW none-the-less) finally stopped in to say hello. I ran the first mile sub-10:30, run/walked the second, and then finished the last full run sub-10:30 again.

After that, I was still pumped, and toyed with the idea of showering and heading to Salsa class, too, (the addiction to "stuff" is real), but I stopped by the house and *shock* found BOTH of my beautiful daughters home .. and plan-less. So a little swimming instead.
13 miles
Did: thirteen friggin point f'in one miles.
Pace: hot mess
Fall kick off! Oh boy. Two years in a row, one of my toughest runs of the season. Those Brookhaven hills Enrique loves are brutal. And since its always in my brain that it's "only four miles to start" with the official group run, I always overdo. Last year, "fast" was 9:15-9:30ish. This year, that was NOT the pace, but it was still too fast for the long run I am capable of.
Luckily, I had friends to run with. That made the rest of this hillacious and hot ugh of a run almost tolerable.
But wait .. there's more. I knew I had not one step left out on Peachtree, but after I got in the car.. and A/C, I figured it'd be a waste to call it without the full 13.1 under belt. After all, its not like I ended up doing much more than junk miles. If/until you can't put in solid runs, more junk miles!! So I popped into LA F and belted out 3. Flat and in AC, a very tired Wonder Woman (but WW none-the-less) finally stopped in to say hello. I ran the first mile sub-10:30, run/walked the second, and then finished the last full run sub-10:30 again.
Rest days are torture right now. I don't feel as whipped or accomplished as I used to after my long run, so I am constantly just physically and mentally looking to keep doing stuff.
The choices were: 2 hr salsa class, Jillian video, swim or Cyclebar. I chose Cyclebar, and lordy was that not the right choice!! I should have done less to my legs, not more. But of course, the instructor made me work more than I wanted to, which is never a bad thing. And there is nothing that helps the mental game like Cyclebar church. Music is god!
After that, I was still pumped, and toyed with the idea of showering and heading to Salsa class, too, (the addiction to "stuff" is real), but I stopped by the house and *shock* found BOTH of my beautiful daughters home .. and plan-less. So a little swimming instead.
My new fave hang out at Lake Lanier. I can only go to the first booie and back, but watching Michele swim all over the beach is kinda like exercise. LOL.
Up next:
Still holding 2nd in Age Group for Grand Prix. (as we discussed last year, because stubbornness out performs speed for this contest, lol). SOOOoooOOO .. I guess I am doing a 4 miler this week. Course is rolling hills. Stretch-ish Goal: 9:40 avg pace. And then the first mileage above 1/2 marathon for Chicago on Sunday. Eeeeep.
Other Random Judy Stuff:
I'm super jealous of your 11+ hours of sleep the most. :) How the hell do you do that?