Distance - 6.2 (see race report)
Pace - 8:44
Distance - 6.2
Pace - 9:49
Slow start, but zooming on the return! The day after race effort. So happy!!! :)

Scheduled rest day
2 mile walk and YUREEKA: One Jillian's Core Blast session. (Because one month left; time to be as good as humanly possible!)
Distance - 1 WU, 6 x mile with 400m recovery, 1 CD (.5 incline on treadmill during hard intervals, flat on WU, CD, and recovery. Full walk on recovery 400 m)
Overall effort: I'd rate this about a 7-8! Never got puke race pace tired. Yippy! (but mainly because see below on not knowing what the hell I was doing ;) )
About this run:
God, I didn't want to do this run!! Evening. Speed work. Bleh. bleh. bleh. But, but .. treadmill .. niiice. 35 high tempo songs on the playlist .. niiiiice. Mile repeats .. MY FAVORITE. (6 not so much). Just to make sure it got done, though, I made this an alone not alone run. I posted pictures along the way in the ATLCHI page. If even one person expected to see a 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th picture in the comments, I had to do it right?? Lol.
If I weren't such a chicken, I would try for the time per my 5K PR, but to be honest, that really penalizes me unnecessarily for having a "niche" race. Marathon is not going to follow 5K prediction chart. (3:55 bahahahahaha. 10% goal is 4:30!). So 8:13 from the start, out.
Refreshing the predictor chart based on what has been my most common "easy" pace on Saturday long runs (10:16), I get 27:30 5K, 4:13 thon, and these can be 8:53. (I did end up hitting this for all but the first).
And then, using thon time of 4:29, I can do these at 9:23. (I think I could have hit that for all including WU and CD, if I had wanted to).
None of that helped me pick ONE goal time, so I decided I could do these as a reverse ladder. Especially with 6 to do, I didn't want to peel out on the first, and crash & burn for the entire rest of the work out. Do it this way made me feel rather bad assish! :) Results:

7:59. On the final repeat. Damn it, McFly! So happy. *^_^*
Distance - 4. Did 3.1. 9:40 pace.
Ran a quick 5K right after work on the treadmill, because I couldn't fit in miles this AM before traffic court, and the more miles I do with less than 20 hours of recovery, the less likely I'll be a happy camper for 21+ tomorrow.
Distance - 20 and change
Pace: 10:12 and 11:34 (last 4 miles)
About this run:
Ouch. Bad run alert. I won't spend too much time wallowing, but there were for sure many negative, as well as positive, thoughts running around the brain Saturday afternoon.
Positive: I ran 16 like.a.boss. Sub-marathon race pace (10:14 ish). For a good bit of it, I ran with two very strong veteran marathoners. Both guys, which always feels pretty boss. And the least pausing of all the runs I've done to date. It was almost completely continuous except the one time I finally ran out of hydration.
Negative: I did not get down to training in time to do the 4-5 extra beforehand. That threw me for a loop, both physically (because of the hotter weather) and mentally (because everyone else gets to be done, but you don't). When I hit the downhill and loop for ATC, I usually give it my all to get back to the parking lot, and done. Leaving it all the training course is my specialty. Well, today I knew I couldn't so that threw me. The slower last mile/two just allowed me to feel-the-tired. By the time I got into the parking lot, I knew the last four miles were going to S...U...C...K hard. I didn't want to do them. My brain started to formulate plans: no one else is doing 20 again. Yes, you did 15 last week, but you're ahead, not behind, because you did 20 the week before that. Why don't you just get in the car, take a break and finish 4-5 on the treadmill? That last one sounded like a really good compromise. Great for the ego, too, because watch pace right now has me hostage. Lucky for me, Kyle reminded me that I would so not do it after I got home. Heehee. He was for the just don't do them, you've done enough. That bolstered me to just go back out, because Kyle and I are run husband and wife, after all. Doing what Kyle doesn't recommend is like given. Lol. I did give myself a concession: I saved the watch log at 16, and started a new run. That meant I'd "preserve" the pretty run, and anything more I did could be whatever truly came as LSD. For the first alone mile, I rocked about 11 pace, and felt pretty broken, but I ran it steady. The pace demoralized me, though, and the moment I hit a first hill of substance, I was done for. Here, I finally conceded to run-walk. There was a time a few months ago that I figured I'd be running 13 miles, and run-walking 13 miles to finish my first marathon. Thankfully, I didn't need the tool until my 2nd 20 miler. I will take it. So I run/walked about 4.5 total. The 4 before I turned off the watch were about an 11:45 average pace.
An hour after, all I could think about was the last four miles. I basically broke. For only the second time during this session, but a broke run none the less. Not an injured run, mind you, just a broke one: spirit, physical, mental .. all broke. I was happy I finished out the mileage, come what may, though. I reminded myself that: the only option that isn't and option is not doing the distance. On race day, it may be cool, it may be hot. The last 6 miles may bite ya in the ass. The difference between a 5:15 marathon and a 6+ or even DNF will be in the brain. To commit to finish after waving good by to "best case scenarios" like 4:30 or 4:45, and still soldiering on and doing your best. Plus, a practice "worst case scenario" gets the tantrum and surprise out of the way. If this is what comes on 10/9, I will accept it, too.
That said, marathon don't list addition: Don't stay up until 11:45 the night before a long run trying to finish out your 10,000 steps for the day in the darkness of your neighborhood streets. Plus: stick to the taper. Look how hard long runs are when you do all your weekday miles .. that's the point.
Total: with Saturday, 47 miles. Perfect week right in between: Level 2 for weekdays and Level 3 for Long Run!!! ----->
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