Thursday, April 28, 2016

4 Days to Go: Why I Wanted to Fun Run a Marathon


Is there a medal for the prettiest hooves? :)

.5 WU, 4 x 1000 with 400 recovery, .5 CD

Time goal: 5:09

Interval 1: 5:09
Interval 2: 5:09
Interval 3: 5:06
Interval 4: 5:49

Aw, it was nice to be at Riverside.  So many speed demons, so many familiar faces. <3ed it!

I had kicked some serious HR butt at work, and that adrenaline rush made me seriously READY to DO-THIS_THING.  Lol.

The two first intervals felt HARD though!  The 'track' for these had both 'ups' and 'downs.'  It was also probably in about the mid to high 70s.  The 3rd one required more than just a 400 recovery (read: chat away with buds for a good 2-3 minutes before having another go!  But with that recovery, and three to chase (Jody, Craig, and at the last, Jerry), this one felt much easier than the first two.  We had said only 2-3 instead of the 4-5, so that our taper wasn't too aggressive, so the 4th was just me by my lonesome at a more moderate effort.  I think it was going to be slower regardless, but it might not have been 5:49 if not for FP.  So overall, thumbs up Indicator chart! :)

In other news .. we forgot to take a picture!  T...H...E..  H... O..R..R..O...R!


Thursday / Friday / Saturday
Cross-training:  Swimming tonight.  Maybe 1 - 5k Friday, and biking (leisurely) on Saturday's bike tour.  A little nervous about the biking.  I don't think I have biked anywhere in a decade.  I think I need training wheels!

What my biking experience looks like to date. :) 

About this crazy idea Michele and I had
I can't remember what the conversation was about, but certainly it started with whether or not Michele was wanting to tackle the full distance at all this year.  (This is before Brandi and I convinced her completely to throw her name in the hat for Chicago).  At some point she must have jokingly said 'lets just do it.  Lets change our half-marathon registration to the full-marathon at the Flying Pig.  Pull the band aide off, so to speak.'  Ever since then, the idea has been playing around in my head.  And its crazy.  But so am I.

Reasons to
Why did this come to appeal to me SO MUCH?  I know its difficult to imagine, but I actually see it now as the "fun" option.  Fun run a marathon?  Without training enough?  What are you thinking, right?  Well, if you've been reading these for any length of time, you know that I struggle with my 'mental game.'  Why am I doing this?  I can't do that.  I can't run that fast again. Etc., etc., etc.  As we approach race days, the anxiety just builds and builds.

But I KNOW when I DIDN'T struggle with this: 2014.

When I was an underdog.  Running a distance for the first time.  When I was 30+ lbs heavier than I am now, with at tops a 10 miler under my belt, and just worried about not getting picked up by a swag wagon my 1st time out.  When I walked if I needed to.  And ran slower than that.  The sheer exhaustion, the sheer pride, the sheer joy was in NO WAY negated by a 2:55:00ish finish time.  In fact, heck, PR baby!! There's no way to describe it.  I was FLYING on AIR!!

Physically, 1/2 marathons don't feel that way any more.  I'm not a superhero after, by any means, but I don't lay on the couch icing, and rolling, and napping, unable to climb steps or hobble out of cars for weeks on end.  I don't have one cycle under my belt, I have 3, with 2 peachtree training sessions and a W5K thrown in for good measure.  The last cycle right after another.  I've run 13.1 at least a dozen times now.  This is a different kind of prepared for the same race.

To run a half at my goal (PR) pace I need to approach 9:30 avg pace, though (or such; I'm sure I'll look it up specifically before race day).  Any less, tantrum Judy.  Any better, happy Judy.

To run a marathon, I can plan to keep a steady easy-ish pace of 10:30 for the first 13, and the typical run lead pace of 12-12:30 the rest of the time.  Or even better .. WHATEVER the HECK I want.  It will be a big adventure!  Happy Judy, 100% guaranteed!

I kinda want to finish my 1st marathon (pre 1st really) like Judy 2014 did.  Taking selfies if I feel like taking selfies, making friends when I see someone struggling or walking, completely intending to finish in 6:30 minutes and nothing more.  Maybe with some buds on the 1st 13.1.  Way behind those buds for the 2nd half, but maybe finding some new ones or the final pace group to hang onto at the end.

There is just NO WAY Chicago will end up that way.  I will have trained up.  Trained hard!  I will owe it to myself to go out there and GET.IT.  Whatever 'IT' ends up being.  And I am okay with that.  Its going to be AWESOME.  But after 2+ years of running, it will NOT be like my first 1/2 at that point.  Ain't nobody got time fo dat on their first trained up for marathon! lol.

So this just sounded like the perfect nod to who I am and where I've been.  And good precursory information for Chicago, too.  Plus it will be such inspiration to be a part of the  group that did train for a full-marathon this spring .. if just for some of the miles.

And physically, I just *know* I can handle it.  How many people don't end up 'over doing it' now and again.  I haven't 'over done it' in at least a year.  I don't get seriously sore any more ... unless I try doing something with ab or arm involvement, lol .. but see, that's what I mean.  My legs NEVER get THAT sore.  But they can!  They have.

I'm not crazy.  I'm not thinking I can run the entire thing.  I don't want to do it in 5:30.  I'm not even too proud to DNF the sucker.  That's the freeing thing of not having trained.  Bail on it at mile 20 .. who cares!  If you took the weakest most first cycle, entry-level marathoner from the 2016 Fall training, and butted them up with me, I would dare any one to tell me I wasn't as capable.  Not to belittle the efforts of any such person, but I'm not going to negate all of my work either.  Full distance under belt or not, I have been MUCH more diligent in my running in 2015 than 2014, and in 2016 than in 2015.  That counts for a lot!  And I DID a half in 2014 .. before all that!

Comparing that to what I'll do in the Fall is like apples and oranges.  Thinking this will negate anyone eles's efforts, or what my race in the Fall will be, is just completely invalid to me.  There's no room for comparisons in running.  Note to self:  Do you, boo!!

So ... New adventure?  Sign me up, please!

But ...

Reasons not to
1. More likely than not, its going to pore.  I don't love the idea of running in the rain.  For 26.2, not ideal.  And I won't really know if this is the case or not at the expo, when the decision needs to be made.

2. I could get hurt.  Not just the blissful exhaustion mentioned above that I never really approach now after a 1/2.  But REALLY hurt.  And then I'd have 20+ I told ya so's on my hands, instead of the normal support you get when you get injured, because it would be my fault.

3. There's something about peer-pressure.  If you are not able to make 20+ of the closest, most supportive people in your life say at least that, 'well, hey, I think you're cheating yourself of the full 20+ week experience, and I wouldn't do it, but your decision is at least marginally not ridiculous, so go for it if you want to'   well.. the fact that I've only gotten one, maybe two of those, and the rest more like CAPS LOCK NO DON'T DO IT.  That's enough serious doubt to negate any of my own feelings on the topic. :/

4. Michele could get hurt.  This one is unacceptable, and concludes the debate.  I'd want her to have a choice in whether or not she is running her first marathon this way.  I don't want her to have to, just because she thinks I need support.  If she got hurt, I'd regret the whole thing, and that's not acceptable.  I could run it without Michele, not even letting her in on it when I go to change my bib, so that she feels no pressure what so ever, but then I'd have asked her to sign up for a different marathon she didn't necessarily want to do, and then be ditching her to go run my own 1st marathon alone anyway.  Either way, not the friend I need to be now that she's voting for not doing it!

So I still wanna .. but its not in the cards.  I'll BRING.IT (whatever IT still is) to run the best half I can.  If I run a PR, joy to follow.  And if I do a little poopy-diaper-baby thing for an hour after the race because I didn't, so be it too.  By brunch / post-pig-party-fest, I'll be back to myself as if it never happened.

 (unless Michele surprises me by changing her bib first without telling me! haha.  So 99.9% I am not running my 1st marathon on Sunday. Hee hee.)

Monday, April 25, 2016

Week in Review: I'm Running a Marathon Y'all!

Mizuno Monday became Tuesday morning's fun fest this week.  Monday became rest.

Strength training at White Column with the Bookin' Borrachas

Oh dear me.  Not only was I sore for days, but I was so tired from the early alarm that I bailed on the Tuesday evening 10K.  There were other reasons, but I might have been able to handle them if I hadn't been so sleep deprived.

At the gym, we did all sorts of strength-style works out for approximately 40 minutes.  Once per week minimum .. check!

Main reason I bailed on the 6.2 later that evening:  Emily's return to tumbling / cheer classes.

It was SO weird / fun to be back here after a year off; the original sport of obsession.  The only difference with this fam is that it does not motivate ME.  I can't believe I could ever sit still this long WATCHING workouts.  Half way in, I was already up and taking mini walks here and there, itching to DO something.  But it was fun to see my mini up to her amazing acrobatics.  Just admiring her flexibility puts me on proud mama status.  :)

WU. Indicator Run - 1.86. CD
Time - 16:07

Improvement!  Take that Spring 16:49. :) Of course, average pace for this is not better than 5K pace at Singleton, and this was completely flat.  I smell a little sandbagging. bwhahaha.  In my defense, though .. evening run .. hot run .. and plain old every run can't be of astronomic importance.  I am improving.  That's all I need.

The Chicago Marathon gods are so merciful!  This was nothing like the NYRR.  By 6:30 AM, I had an email in my inbox saying that my registration had been accepted!

Oh. crap!



4.5 + 4 hill repeats
Avg Pace: 12:04 + fast

I'm officially running 3 - 1 intervals at 12 min avg pace for these.  When I am lucky (and if I cheat a little ;).  Sunday = long run day is official.

Distance: 10+
Avg Pace: 10:28

This run, compared to last Sunday's 13.1, felt HARD!  I am not sure if it was the lower mileage during the week, the temperature, the smaller group, or running slow intervals the day before, but I was NOT. FEELING. IT. Very grateful for Michele.  She kept an easy pace, and we ran the entire thing side by side.  Even after I did the whole airplane-almost-fall / twisted ankle thing, and forced us to walk a couple of minutes. but I walked it out with no trouble, and we were finishing strong in the blink of an eye.  Proof that this is at least 50% mental, though: I thought the whole thing was a slugfest compared to the 13.1; when I looked up the times, we were at exactly the same average pace for both.  (Last Sunday was 10:29).

Coming up

My first travel race!  Headed to Cincinnati, OH this coming weekend to take on the Flying Pig! :) Half-marathon #4 total; half-marathon #2 in 2016.

Very excited about traveling with 20+ friends.  Hotel-ing, running, and breaking bread (plus maybe a few beers) with a big ole pod of runners.  How fun will that be!! *^_^*

Goal wise, I am again trying to be very conservative.  Its only been about a month since the Publix half PR at Publix.  The Pig course proposes to be equally hilly, possibly wet, and I have not incorporated much hill work in the time since official Spring training ended.  So:

10% anything above 2:09:59
50% - 2:09:59
90% goal - opt out, and fun run the marathon

Very okay not hitting a PR, also.  Refer back to Wednesday's 'every run can't be of astronomic importance.' :)


FRI. DAY. !!!

Distance: 6.2 (#10kTuesday late shift)
Avg Pace: 10:09

This week, we spent a lot of time asking ourselves:  why do we even do this?  Its hard to justify the maybe 'middle' (?) of a running career.  Just a beginner is way long gone.  With it goes the satisfaction of exponential growth.

I am happy with this run, mainly because ...

Fact: Westside is hilly.
Fact: 70+ degrees is not the same as 50 and below
Fact: Milk is not a friend.

But to entertain myself, and really give myself perspective, I scrolled through some history for 6.2 training runs: (and Westside course especially)

10/2014 - 11:31
10/6/15 - 10:04
one year = at least 1:30 min per mile shaved

10/13/15 - 10:08
11/10/15 - 12:30 - in pain
12/10/15 - 10:26
12/29/15 - 9:58
2/02/16 - 10:17
2/09/16 - 10:22
04/13/16 - 10:09
6 addt'l months = flat lining

At the very least, proof that I haven't gotten super faster, but I haven't really gotten slower, either.

The difficulty is that my brain discounts anything that isn't major progress.  If I can run sub 10 min pace for 13.1, and continue to shave time off of that distance with each training at races, why can't I consistently keep a high 9 for something as short as 6.2 now?  Or can I, but am I not choosing to?

I think the truth is that I can; I just need to want to.  And it might be going against the "easy" plan for a Tuesday or two, but maybe that's how you get faster?  With a little more push?

I look forward to seeing how/if this mental prep gives me any more or less juice next Tuesday!

Distance: 1/2 WU, 5 x 600s

Meh, the distance was short.  And I didn't think to account for it until after I finished.  (If I would have done the math, and figured out that we were supposed to be at .37, I could have adjusted and run by watch, but it didn't dawn on me).  I ended up at .33 for each '600.'  All of the slight downhill lengths were about 2:20 - 2:37, all of the slight uphill intervals, closer to 2:46 - 2:50.  (More on that when I actually retrieve my watch.)  Pretty confident I could have hit the goal of under 3 minutes, as per indicator chart, for all of these.

Next time, I will double check Mr. Enrique with a warm up GPS-tracked interval. ;)

Now I just need to decide which is better: Riverside or Gwinette.  I think the drive is similar.  The number of participants is similar.  When we have a track at Gwinette, that will be a plus.  When we get kicked to the sidewalk without notice, (like last night), that will be a big con.  I think there are faster people at Riverside (Enrique didn't actually run speed work, so I'd venture to guess Michele and I were it as far as speed work - speed work people).  Riverside is gravely, and scary, but not when its light out, like from now until July.  Miss Jerry, Kyle, Birgit .. and selfies! No major picture takers among the Wed. crowd. Lol.

There are other shenanigans that will play into this decision .. but lets keep it classy! Ha ha. Lets just say I don't know if I can handle the giggle-fest that is Michele + Pam + Me in N. Gwinette.  Bahahaha.

Thursday is now a rest day.  Weird.

I rested this day, too.  Just cuz.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Singleton 5K Race Recap: Best. Weekend. Ever. !!! :)

Distance - 3.1
10% goal - under 27
50% goal - PR (under 27:37)
90% goal - under 28

Time: 26:48 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can honestly say that this was UNPLANNED, UNPRECEDENTED, and COMPLETELY blew my MIND! Why?  1.  Because I had worked really, really hard for a good long bit to work up to my last 5K PR very recently. 2. that course was flatter and faster, and 3. Women's 5K was a complete bust, 4. under 27 would be almost a full minute faster than anything I had ever done. 

So mentally, I was only aspiring toward "probably not this time, but I want to start chipping away at the possibility of under 27 for some time in 2016."  So I just don't know where my mental game came from this am!

Oh wait .. yea, I do.  .. 

I absolutely ***HEART*** this guy!!! :) 

I made the unfortunate (read VERY fortunate) mistake of quasi-posting my 10% dream goal on a page for all the tribe to see.  Before I knew it, not only was I running with a speed demon.  But apparently speed demon was unsure of her own prowess, so she had recruited speed demon to the nth to also run with us.  Whaaaaat?? (Sub-25 Women's 5K.  Yea, I result-check on introduction to new friends.  Soo?? Haha).  Luckily, I was tired Friday night when I found all this out, so I still managed to sleep ..  but I am fairly certain that the last thought I had before light's out was:  I am going to die tomorrow.

Never-the-less, the fear of running a mile PR, and then walking 2.1 didn't out-way the motivation to try.  Cuz ...

I did a few new things in the AM.  I woke up a bit earlier than my usual 1/2 hour before needing to leave the house.  I ate a piece of toast with Nutella, and two sports beans an hour before leaving the house instead of 1/2 hour.  I also ran through some stretching at the house.  Finally, I ran about a 1/2 mile with Angelina (aforementioned speed demon), right before the race.  All of these will have to become part of my regular routine; I felt much better for each, and had absolutely no pain.  

At some moment before corralling, coach extraordinaire Jerry decided that having just been sick, he didn't need to push this one.  So he thought he'd run with me, Angelina & Shelly.  Noooooooooo pressure .. riiiiiiiiiiiiightt! Haha.

Well, oh. em. gee.  How friggin amazing to run a race where another person can chat, but knows that you can't.  And stays with you.  And sings to you ... haha!   And just basically says anything they can to keep you with them!  The time just FLEW!!  It was serious magic.  What a gift. <3

Distance - 13.1
Pace - 10:28 avg pace

Two beyond measure fantastic runs in one weekend?  Yes, please!

I felt sooo good, and seriously strong this entire run.  Mainly because I never tried to push the pace early.  I stayed with the pod, and let myself just enjoy running.  No pressure.  That actually gave me a much faster end time than when I did solo 12 two weeks ago.

Michele and I took it up a notch for the final three, but besides that, I really stayed very comfortable.  At the end, the push felt good and right.  We finished the last couple of miles under 10, and.1 at like at 8:30, which was wicked fun to still have! :)

It was flat, the scenery was to die for, weather perfect, and the company, amazing.  By far, one of my favorite long runs in a good long time.

 After the run, we had enough energy for all of this ...
 And this below (before picture of the garage I spend hours cleaning).  HOURS.  After 13.1.  (The after picture is due .. but my husband has a 'do not touch' pile he needs to work on himself.  My car can fit in the garage, though .. so you can imagine! :) )

My legs were beyond beat. But if the Chicago race gods deem it so, I am for sure thinking that this is good indication that I just might be ready for a little more torture .. er .. training.

#3moredays !!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Vacation Fun & Return to Reality


To the beach!  Drive day = Rest day.  Little walks on arrival, but otherwise, nada.

Distance: 11+
Pace: 11:46

This was bound to be a slug fest, but I was SUPER proud I got it in.  Alone.  In the wind.  And the heat.  It was a Good Run (TM), despite pace.  I did miss the buds, though.  I don't know how solo runners find the motivation.  On the other hand, its nice to shake it up.  It is a very different thing to run alone, and there are for sure some pros in that you get to entertain yourself in your own world of thought.  I won't give up my social run commitments any time soon, but I would like to work in a solo run once a week or so here and there.  Its soothing me time. :)

I made myself a schedule for Flying Pig, just so that I don't feel so random from here to there.  After this I will either follow the Peachtree training schedule until July, or modify to keep my mileage at half-training level if successful at Chicago lotto.  #9moredays !!!

The children all disperced.  Bill and I were left to spend Monday - Thursday on honey moon.  Time .. nothing but time... woah.  #emptynesters already.

Distance: 6.2 (#10KTuesday)
Pace: 10:30

Less wind.  More heat.  I adore running scenic 30A, but maybe I should have waited until it wasn't 80 degrees.  Got it in, though.  Ah, I love the housewife schedule!  Run in the middle of the day, run twice.  Run whenever the friggin hell I feel like.  Woop.


Honeymooning = no steps, but lots of exercise. bwhahaha.  ;)  

Distance: 6.2 and accidental 2
Pace: 10:24 and holy friggin fast

Not much to say about the 10K; business as usual.  The accidental ~2 was fun!  Bill, Emily, her boyfriend and I took a pontoon to Seashell island.  Bill loves walking for seashells/critters.  The island was 15 miles around. But by the time we got there, slim pickings right off the pontoon drop off spot.  So we started walking off.  And nothing.  So more walking.  I think we got about 2 miles in when Bill wondered if we shouldn't go back. (per Fitbit steps)  I said: let me just jog to that end point out there and see if I don't find a stash no one has gotten to yet.  So I run out.. and out .. and out.  The point keeps getting farther and farther away.  But I am obsessed.  I forget everything, except running like a MAD woman to reach the stupid end point.  By feel, I am guessing I was running 9:30 ish .. in sand.  Hard and packed for the most part, but sand .. and a swim suit .. ouch, chafing.  Well, by the time I actually hit mystery point, I find myself COMPLETELY alone.  I can't see Bill, I can't see anything in either direction for miles!  That scares the crap out of me.  How far did I go?  What time is it?  Who knows.  SOoooooOOOOOOoo, I start HAULING ASS back.  I count to 100 at least 12 times before I even see Bill.  And so, I'd run at least a mile, and a mile back for sure by the time I caught Bill up, who had given up and was walking back.  We walked another 1.5 ish to Emily and Chase, and PHEW, it wasn't as late as I thought.  (The last pontoon cut off at 5pm only added to my dread as I ran like a maniac).

Them legs, tho! ;)

Buh Bye beach drive day = Rest day

Distance: 3
Pace: 12

Ruh roh.  So we come to find out that the speed demons from the kick off were FOR SURE not the ITFP participants. :/  Originally, I was on the schedule to be a 10 minute run lead.  There were about 5-6 all run participants TOTAL.  Even those participants finished off at ~12 with some walking at the end (we caught Kyle's group up).  My group ended up being the same as Women's 5K .. top of 2-1 runners, with about a 12 minute total average pace.  I had about a 10-person pod, though.  Hopefully, this means that when we have all run leads present, I can at least take out the top of the 2-1s without worrying about those that fall back, or I can sneak back into an all run group, even if not 10s.

That said, it will be okay, because I decided this day was no longer going to be long run day for now.  The hodge podge of start/stop to run lead /extra miles is not for me.  Long runs are now Sunday morning.  (except this Sunday .. read on .. and BOO me).

Besides pace, this group is SO FAB.  My pod is active, asking questions, participating right from day 1.  Gotta love people excited about running!! :)

Distance: 12 on schedule.  Did: Fail (2 mi)
Pace: 8:25

Meep. I haven't pulled this gag in a while. (since maybe round one of half training).

I got up.  I got dressed.  I drove to Riverside.  I got scared.  I panicked.  I kept driving.  I took myself home.  And put myself back in bed. In running attire.  Womp, womp.

I just got to thinking about how everyone who'd be doing these extra miles would be #bostonstrong.  (the group meeting up was 'sending off' a fellow runner).  I'd either make myself miserable trying to keep up, or run cold and alone.  Brain said: you're allowed to pass once in a while, you know.  And it sounded very good to the rest of me at the time.  Silly Judy.

In the evening, I said I'd do two at 5k race pace, or if slower, I had to go for the rest of the missed distance.  Obviously, if I can't 'hit' under 27 pace on a flat treadmill for 2 miles, then I don't have it yet.  But I hit it. 8:25 avg pace for 2 mi.  That doesn't guarantee me the PR (not by a long shot).  I was running sub 30 on the treadmill but not at races for at least a month or two.  But anyhoo, not a long run, but equally boosting to the spirits.  If not for Pig, then at least the right thing to do for Singleton .. maybe. :)  That's my story, and I'm sticking to it, at least.

Jillian Time

The actual Mizuno Monday on the ITFP training is too far of a drive, but everyone's pictures motivated me to tackle the dreaded strength training.  I don't know what's wrong with me.  I just become such an average Joe when it comes to anything other than running.  Excuses, excuses, excuses.  After professing non-stop to my husband, and anyone else who will listen, that running takes mind over matter, just-do-it type of commitment at first, I just can't get on the same page with anything cross training.

But Mondays.  Mondays are the line in the sand.  I WILL do SOMETHING for cross training every Monday, FOR REAL.  And today was day 1.  I only got through half the video, and it was UGLY.  But boom.  Its done.

(Cancel-able) Hotel reservation for Chicago made!  This will insure we beat the rush post-lotto, I think.  It's starting to feel like a real possibility!  I could run my first full this year.  EeeeeeEEEEeeep.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Weekday Recap - Between Session Hodge Podge

Distance - 4 + 2 easy
Pace - 9:34 and not tracked

We crashed the Alpharetta kick off event, because, hey, it took our Monday afternoon run bud! :) (Michele).  This was a FAB run.  I for sure 'brought it.'  Funny how that happens: 3.1 on a race day .. nah, don't feel like it.  Random Monday afternoon .. GO, Judy, go!  ???????? LOL.  But happy to welcome Beast Judy whenever she decides to present herself. :)

Kyle needed extra miles to hit 100 for the month, so we chatted through another 2 miles at the end.

Distance - 4 miles
Pace - 10:00

Another awesome run!  Oh boy, do I love this location.  Its so CUTE!  Shops, and lawns, and Greenway.  <3 it!

This could be trouble though!  The smell was intoxicating the ENTIRE time. ;)

The run itself was combined with a Big Peach event.  Oh lordy.  Amy said she didn't need much from us, so to just mingle with as many participants as possible.   There were pace markers for heading out (like a race); that was nice.  I **think** I put myself in the 10s, but by the look of how many guys I started with, I knew the start would be faster than that.  But Amy said mingle, so mingle I did.  And ran out 2 miles at 9.  The return was probably 10-12, haha, where I finally had to say good bye to new speed demon friends. :) Fortunately for me, they were petering out, too.  I suppose the 9s were not intentional for them either.  Grand standing each other .. gotta love it.  I caught them back up on the final hill, where a good bit of them were now walking.

But on the whole, both this crew, and the bulk of runners that ran Alpharetta were REALLY solid.  If I had joined ATC this year, I'd be a little nervous!! I'll know more for sure, though, when training starts, and we get to see who were our participants, and who just run out of Big Peach when it hosts an event.  I can't IMAGINE there really were NO 10s.  If that's the case, I will be run leading at pretty much a PUSH pace all session. (For sure not a bad thing, but skeptical that this will be the case).  Tune in next week to find out. LOL.

Oh and .. new Mizunos.  5lb races.  Will have to report back after I've worn them.  Hopefully, I can wear them to Singleton 5K in a couple of weeks.


Distance - 4 miles
Pace - 2-1s @ whatever she wanted. :)

I am getting so much good mileage out of this 'spring break ready' phase!  We went to Bells Park and ran and walked for 4 miles.  She is for sure working it!  And I got a little closer to 100.


Ugh .. she said this was what I had to do with her.  Meh.  I dislike cleanses.  They work in the moment, but the hunger is so distracting, that I turn into a bump on a log.  I did get the scale to be nice to me Friday morning, so maybe I'll get through this.  But oh man, am I not happy about it!


Are we there yet??  Oh.  We haven't left yet?  Boo.

Cleanse Day 2 is a smidge easier.  I know I have to do this for my girl, so it makes it more important that I don't give up.  I also plan to go ahead and start back up my crunches at lunches for April.  Other than that, it will be a very full day today, trying to leave no ends untied at work, and then preparing to launch tonight!  Which is what I'd better gooooOOOOooo do!  TTFN. :)