Welcome, 2016!
Beginnings are tough. How do I cover in one post 37 years of me-ness, and 1.5 years of running? So here goes nothing... or maybe everything. First and foremost, stats: 37, 5'0" (fun-sized), about 15 - 20 lbs overweight (per BMI charts and whatnot), wife, mother of two (teen daughters), 1st generation Cuban-American, full-time HR Manager. From March 2014 to today, I have lost 65 lbs. This means, going into the start of this blog, and the new year, I've already done a lot of hard work. :)
In 2014, I laid the foundation. I tackled and overcame "just finishing." Just finishing was my first passion, and the theme for 2014. I ran/walked my first 5k in 45 minutes in August 2014. The kool aide took hold immediately. I went on to run/walk my first 10k in September, and a 10 miler in October '14. In November, I run/walked an entire half-marathon. (My time for that first one was ~2 hours, 54 minutes). The distance crept up with training, and the goal was always just to finish. I lost a total of 50 lbs that first year. Looking back, I am extremely proud of myself for this year. Back of the packers really do work as hard or even harder than their zippier counterparts. I remember the first time I finished 7 miles; I was nauseous, my feet were swollen to exponential degrees, and I sincerely physically felt like I might pass out. Mentally, that was my first taste of "bad ass." That runner's high that tell's you you'll want to do it again if you do by any chance not die. ;) Although my blog will focus on new efforts, the look backs and comparisons to me as a beginner will no doubt be covered. At only 1.5 years in, its all still fairly well etched in my memory. Tee hee.
Here are some early 2014 Before pictures:

And after the half marathon 2014:

In 2015, I was more unencumbered by weight and general out of shape-ness. I began to run races for time. I saw my 5k go from 35 to 33 to under 28 minutes this past year, and fell in love with the new purpose and passion of actually competing against myself. I lost another 15 lbs this year, and have clocked 732 miles.
Here are some of my favorite 2015 pictures:

I am absolutely NOT finished! This is when I usually become complacent, and rather than moving forward, slip into old habits. But I don't at all feel that way this time. I am consumed with excitement, and am constantly dreaming up new goals for me. Habit has been accomplished, and in fact "Addiction" might better cover it. The focus of 2016 will be the most fulfilling: fine tuning, toning, and chasing ever more difficult goals.
2016 Goals
1000 miles
-10 lbs
5k in 26 minutes
Peachtree RR PR
1/2 marathon in under 2:14 (moderate goal) and at 2 hours (push goal)
Up my running hair game! ;)
Present! ...
I don't think I will be singing the praises of the barefoot running religion quite as emphatically as many converts. The goal here is just to mix it up. To add to the tool belt. I was told to start very slow; walks and 3-5 minutes of running tops. The goal would be to get to the point where I can run one of my shorter weekly runs or one of my treadmill runs in these.
Anyhoo, I am sure I have missed oodles and oodles. At some point, I will have to tell you about the person who first "Believed," and my partners in crime now, maybe a little more about the 2015 #100selfies effort. For now, I must run! :)
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