Monday, April 25, 2016

FRI. DAY. !!!

Distance: 6.2 (#10kTuesday late shift)
Avg Pace: 10:09

This week, we spent a lot of time asking ourselves:  why do we even do this?  Its hard to justify the maybe 'middle' (?) of a running career.  Just a beginner is way long gone.  With it goes the satisfaction of exponential growth.

I am happy with this run, mainly because ...

Fact: Westside is hilly.
Fact: 70+ degrees is not the same as 50 and below
Fact: Milk is not a friend.

But to entertain myself, and really give myself perspective, I scrolled through some history for 6.2 training runs: (and Westside course especially)

10/2014 - 11:31
10/6/15 - 10:04
one year = at least 1:30 min per mile shaved

10/13/15 - 10:08
11/10/15 - 12:30 - in pain
12/10/15 - 10:26
12/29/15 - 9:58
2/02/16 - 10:17
2/09/16 - 10:22
04/13/16 - 10:09
6 addt'l months = flat lining

At the very least, proof that I haven't gotten super faster, but I haven't really gotten slower, either.

The difficulty is that my brain discounts anything that isn't major progress.  If I can run sub 10 min pace for 13.1, and continue to shave time off of that distance with each training at races, why can't I consistently keep a high 9 for something as short as 6.2 now?  Or can I, but am I not choosing to?

I think the truth is that I can; I just need to want to.  And it might be going against the "easy" plan for a Tuesday or two, but maybe that's how you get faster?  With a little more push?

I look forward to seeing how/if this mental prep gives me any more or less juice next Tuesday!

Distance: 1/2 WU, 5 x 600s

Meh, the distance was short.  And I didn't think to account for it until after I finished.  (If I would have done the math, and figured out that we were supposed to be at .37, I could have adjusted and run by watch, but it didn't dawn on me).  I ended up at .33 for each '600.'  All of the slight downhill lengths were about 2:20 - 2:37, all of the slight uphill intervals, closer to 2:46 - 2:50.  (More on that when I actually retrieve my watch.)  Pretty confident I could have hit the goal of under 3 minutes, as per indicator chart, for all of these.

Next time, I will double check Mr. Enrique with a warm up GPS-tracked interval. ;)

Now I just need to decide which is better: Riverside or Gwinette.  I think the drive is similar.  The number of participants is similar.  When we have a track at Gwinette, that will be a plus.  When we get kicked to the sidewalk without notice, (like last night), that will be a big con.  I think there are faster people at Riverside (Enrique didn't actually run speed work, so I'd venture to guess Michele and I were it as far as speed work - speed work people).  Riverside is gravely, and scary, but not when its light out, like from now until July.  Miss Jerry, Kyle, Birgit .. and selfies! No major picture takers among the Wed. crowd. Lol.

There are other shenanigans that will play into this decision .. but lets keep it classy! Ha ha. Lets just say I don't know if I can handle the giggle-fest that is Michele + Pam + Me in N. Gwinette.  Bahahaha.

Thursday is now a rest day.  Weird.

I rested this day, too.  Just cuz.

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