Thursday, March 9, 2017

Race Report: Chattahoochee Road Race

Distance: 5K + 10 miles
Time: 29:30 and 14:20+ (pacer practice)

Best of times.  Worst of times.  I absolutely LOVED this course.  So fun to go weeeeeeeeeEEEEeeeeee from 2.4 to the finish.  This is also the first time I have run a continuous 5K with no walk break in practically FOREVER.  To do it sub-9:40 pace was friggin AMAZING.  The second mile was the toughest, as always, and although I really wanted to stop, I talked myself into just slowing to a pace that felt maintainable until I got to 2.5.  Mental strength coming back to me for the win!

Little dampers to the moment: Still need to shave of FOUR MINUTES to get back to where I was, and on a harder course.  I WILL NEVER take a run break ever again.  And as soon as my kids are done needing me financially, I am buying a tiny house so that I can work part-time or work at a Starbucks or something. I need more running time! Lol.

Getting ready to roam the desert? Lol.

Yasss!  Elite #.  I took one look at this and thought:  well, sucka, tough news .. sub-30 has to happen again today because .. number 1, beotch! LOL

And after that, the idea was to get in 7 extra miles at the 6:30 marathon pace.  News for us: it was not a party.  The thoroughly spent legs, heat of the late morning, and hillacious course meant 30 second run, 1 minute walk at 14+ avg pace was *just* this side of doable.  Lord!  But I had fun; it was me and Stephanie alone against the world.  I like runs like that, where it just feels like you're disconnected from all the every day going-ons of life for what appears to be ages, fighting for survival. ha. I could have done without the surprise news at the end: oh, we followed the 10 mile course, not the 7 mile course?  So we're going to be at 16ish by the time all is said and done with warm ups and cool downs for 5K, 5K, and then all of this? Dandy.  


Con: I had to miss Cycle bar church, and I had to work on a Sunday.  Pro: I got to host a 5K walk/run!  As my job.  So fun.  

Monday, March 6, 2017

February Part II: Good Girls Don't Go All the Way ;)

Distance - 11.78
Avg Pace - 12:59 (Goal was 12:35, maintained for a whole lot longer .. 18-22 miles)

This run was great for the purpose at hand.  I got time on my feet, a good bit of it running at serious elevation, and I got a clear cut answer on pacing at Publix.  That answer is NO GO.  First and foremost, I was hacking up a lung; a second February cold was not in the cards on an already really stretch goal. This was also just my second week of being truly consistent, and my legs were TIRED.  To pace, I should have the distance, elevation and pace completely under belt, so that the focus is on consistency, and helping others achieve their goals.  That was not this run, this distance, this pace, this course.  Could I still possibly run Publix in 5:30 .. 5-10% possible.  But to pace, I should be at 95%+.  Just not easy enough.

I ran ~8 miles at about 12 with Kyle, and then peetered out from there.  My heart and energy just weren't in it the last 4, I was alone, and I walked a lot.

The game plan, then, is TBD.  If the organizers need something different from me, I'll do something else.  If they don't, I'll still do 26.2, but more likely than not by running a 1/2 marathon, and then fun running a completely different half marathon.  (involving friends, selfies, maybe alcohol, and LOTS and LOTS of walking ;) )

Sunday morning Cyclebar church continues!  I hit my Avg Watt PR (80).  The instructor was ON FIRE, and I feel like its getting easier to hit better results without dying.  I love the music. Techno Lion King? "Explicit rap" themed class?  How can you not get pumped!!??  lol.

There's a little bit of arm work embedded in this class, and that is currently all I need.

I had hoped to do a bit more after this by way of either a core video, or a baby (2 mile) shake out run, but instead I had a lovely self-care Sunday, which will undoubtedly keep me organized, well-nutrition-ed, and adequately rested for the coming week.  Winning.

I also lifted the ban on race registration.  Two weeks of training meets my requirement that I be running more consistently before I was allowed to sign up for ANYTHING ELSE. Yey! :) I wanted to find either:  a 5K to re sub-30 soon, or a late Spring half that I can use as pre-training for Chicago. I want a solid 13 mile base by May, and ideally at a return to about the 2:14 that I hit at Flying Pig.  I might have stacked the odds in my favor with the race I finally settled on.  It's called Tear Drop, and it features basically a run down a mountain.  (Compared to FP ***up*** a mountain, lol).  That said, I am no where near 2:14, so we're still going to train and train like a CHAMP hard in March and April.  I'll feel A LOT better if I feel like by May, I am at about where I was last year in May.  That will give me a good shot of at least finishing Chicago happy.  Its a lot of time, but I have a further way to go now.  So we'll see.

All in all, a lot less racing this Spring.  All I have on the calendar now is Publix, and Tear Drop. Still looking for the 5K.


Distance - six point Twosday
My personal run lead slash amazing friend needs 13 stars on his Run Lead visor for all the help he's been to me this month!  Solid run for me; more pacer practice for him.  Weather was awesome.

Lightening = Rest

Distance: 4 miles
Avg Pace: 10:33

Still feeling a bit of a cough in my chest, but persisted, and had one of my more solid runs to date.  Mainly, because I was running with the other person that is being the MOSTEST in terms of getting me back out on the road, Michele.  There were moments where I for sure would have taken my walk break, or felt like I was working more at tempo than at easy, but it was speed work day, and we were having a good gab sesh, soo yea.

I guess that's why running with people (and faster people) is most recommended!


Coming Up

Random racing!  I added the Chattahoochee 5K for tomorrow.  Goal: sub that dang 30 again!